
John Sponauer, MBA

  • Integrated Marketing Communications
  • Advertising Campaign Development and Implementation
  • Branding
  • Data Intelligence
  • Writing
  • Social Media
  • Online Development
  • E-mail Marketing

jrsRead more about what’s new for me professionally.

Following a short-but-spectacular attempt to study engineering, I found that writing and marketing were really the homes of my professional soul.

I was lucky in that way; many people spend their whole lives looking for their love.

What has followed in the twenty years since has been a steady march to explore all that marketing and communication has to offer. I’ve tried PR and done well. I’ve tried consumer marketing and done well. I’ve tried writing of all flavors and done well. I’ve woven in technology into it all, and done well.

I’m a lucky guy, as I mentioned. I think you partly make your own luck in life.

Today, I oversee and learn from a great team of marketing and communications professionals. It’s exciting work, and I’m honored to be able to do it.

My professional philosophy, if you will, is simple:

  • Work hard
  • Do more than you’re expected to do, and
  • Tell the truth.

Oh, sure, there’s a lot of technical detail in the work I do, but everything else revolves around those three points.